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Vintage Light Balls

Yearly Events

Beginning in 2019 the Masquerade Ball will be held every March on the third Saturday

 5:30pm – 10:00pm.


The Masquerade Ball which has a different theme each year was an idea that started with one of our Princesses Peer Ambassadors, Jennesa Lincke during her reign as Junior Miss Zion in 2015. She wanted to have an event to support her platform of empowering girls in her community. Since then the Ball has become an event that girls, women, men and boys now look forward to attending after the organization extended its reach by opening up the event to the entire family.


The month of March is Women’s History Month and March 8th is International Women’s Day. Hence, the month of March fused with our Masquerade Ball makes for an even bigger celebration.


Please check the events section for tickets.

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Beginning Summer 2019 Jamaica Day will be on the second Saturday of June

3:00pm – 7:00pm.


A relaxed cook out event, with Jamaican music and games, such as Dominos, Ludo, Chinese Skip (for children and adult who are children at heart). Jamaica Day gives you the choice of totally emerging yourself by participating in the games, enjoying some of Jamaica’s irie music and socializing or ordering your meals, picking them up and taking them home.


Tickets are found in the events section.


A FREE human trafficking awareness event held annually on the third Saturday of August

 12:00pm - 2:30pm.


Registration may be completed in the events section.


May is Mental Health Awareness Month, for the entire month each day facts about various mental health challenges will be posted on Facebook.


#IAmMentalHealthAware is used with each post. Others are asked to post using the hashtag and wearing green.


There has been a mental health walk/run, the organization hopes to continue in the future.

An annual FREE wellness class (i.e. mindfulness) is conducted one day a week for the entire month of May.


You may find more information in the events section.

Support Group

Annual event held on the last Friday and Saturday in July in Jamaica.


Join the celebration, register in the events section.


#IAM Celebration

Held every October on the forth Saturday

 2:00pm – 5:00pm.


Exclusively for women and young ladies of all ages. Celebrating various milestones, uniqueness and commonalities of our girls and women. We are all uniquely created for a set purpose.


October 11th is International Day of the Girl Child which makes October the perfect month to celebrate the unique qualities of our girls and women.


​Tickets are found in the events section.

Confetti Storm

U.S. & J.A.

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